Open adoption is a type of adoption plan that provides flexibility and allows for ongoing contact and communication between the birth parents, the adoptive parents, and the child. 

If you’re considering an open adoption for your pregnancy, it’s essential to learn all you can to ensure you’re making an informed decision. 

This article highlights the essentials you need to know about open adoption—but if you want to talk to someone in person about adoption and your other pregnancy options, contact First Choice Georgia today.

How Open Adoption Works

Open adoption is an arrangement where the birth parents and adoptive parents maintain some form of ongoing contact after the adoption process is complete. This contact can happen via sharing letters and photos, regular phone calls or in-person visits, emails, etc. 

The level of communication varies based on the preferences and comfort levels of all parties involved.

When thinking through whether open adoption is right for you, it can help to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I want to have ongoing contact with the adoptive family and child?
  • How will open adoption help fulfill my adoption goals?
  • What are my main concerns about open adoption?

What Are the Steps in the Open Adoption Process? 

1. Initial Decision and Agreement

The process begins with the birth parent(s) deciding that open adoption is the best option for their child. They then select adoptive parents open to maintaining a relationship after the adoption is finalized. 

Both parties typically work with an adoption agency or attorney to facilitate the process and create a legally binding agreement outlining the terms of contact.

2. Establishing Relationships

Before the adoption is finalized, the birth parent(s) and adoptive parents have the opportunity to meet and build a relationship. This helps establish trust and ensures that everyone is comfortable with the arrangement. 

These meetings can occur in person, through video calls, or via written communication.

3. Legal Finalization

The adoption is legally finalized, transferring parental rights from the birth parent(s) to the adoptive parents. Despite this transfer, the terms of the open adoption agreement remain in place, ensuring that the birth parents can maintain a connection with the child and adoptive family.

4. Ongoing Contact

After the adoption is finalized, the agreed-upon level of contact begins. This can include:

  • Letters and Photos: Regular updates through letters and photos inform the birth parent(s) about the child’s growth and milestones.
  • Phone Calls and Video Chats: These allow for more direct communication and can help maintain a personal connection.
  • In-Person Visits: Depending on the agreement, in-person visits can occur regularly, allowing the birth parent(s) to be physically present in the child’s life.

We’re Here for You

While only you can decide if open adoption is the right pregnancy decision, at First Choice Georgia, we’re here to provide information and support along the way. Although we don’t provide adoption services, we can refer you to reputable agencies in our area.

You’re not alone as you navigate everything. We’re here for you. 
Contact us today. You can also call 912-538-0762.  All appointments and resources are free and confidential.
