I Don’t Want Another Abortion.

Finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant again can make it feel like your world has turned upside down. And if you’ve had a previous abortion and don’t want another one, all the stress and anxiety you’re feeling is understandable. However, it’s important to know that abortion isn’t your only option. Your other pregnancy choices include parenting

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My Partner Is Pressuring Me to Have an Abortion but I’m Not Sure

It’s critical to know that it’s illegal for someone to pressure you into one pregnancy choice over another. Only you can decide what pregnancy decision is best for you—in fact, your mental health depends on making your own choice. Studies looking at the mental health effects of abortion have found “the very basic fact that

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What Is an Open Adoption?

Open adoption is a type of adoption plan that allows you and the adoptive family and child to have open communication, depending on what you’re comfortable with.  If you’re thinking about adoption and want to have a relationship with the adoptive family and child, open adoption is for you. This article will highlight the essentials

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